Case Study

133k clicks and 5.9 million impressions on the website in just 6 months.

Problem Statement:

Our client, a company of medium size, had been experiencing a significant decline in their online presence due to industry competition, and they also encountered a range of issues like stagnant growth, low brand exposure, poor SERP visibility, weak conversion rates, limited organic reach, and reduced keyword ranking. 

To overcome these challenges and achieve success online, they required a comprehensive and effective SEO strategy from us that could help boost their business growth.


During the initial analysis, it was discovered that there were several Search Engine Optimization (SEO) challenges that were hindering the website’s progress:

1. Issues with Technical SEO:

Slow loading speeds, URL response code errors, and broken links were some of the most common technical issues. They made it difficult for users to have a smooth experience on the website and for search engines to crawl and index the site’s pages effectively.

2. Issues with On-Page SEO:

The website lacked targeted keywords, inconsistent metadata, and poor site architecture, which limited organic visibility and user engagement. As a result, the site’s content was not reaching the desired audience, and the website was not ranking well on search engine result pages.

3. Issues with the architecture of the website:

The website’s architecture had certain problems that affected its performance. Specifically, there were difficulties with internal linking that made it challenging for users to navigate the site and for search engines to understand the content. This resulted in a hampered link flow and an inefficiency in the website’s search engine optimization efforts.

4. Issues with Off-Page SEO:

One of the biggest challenges with off-page SEO is having a weak backlink profile and limited social media presence, which can significantly limit a brand’s reach and authority in organic search.

Without relevant and high-quality backlinks, it can be difficult to build a reputable online presence and improve search engine rankings.

Further, having a limited social media presence can make it difficult to connect with target audiences, build brand awareness, and generate engagement and traffic to a website.

Our Approach:

To address the challenges at hand, we developed a multi-layered approach.

Number 1:

We conducted an in-depth analysis of their existing data, employing cutting-edge tools and techniques to extract meaningful insights.

This involved examining their website’s traffic patterns, user demographics, engagement metrics, and more. Through this analysis, we were able to identify key areas for improvement, such as optimizing user experience, enhancing content quality, and improving search engine rankings.

Number 2:

We performed a comprehensive site audit to identify any technical, on-page, architectural, or off-page SEO issues that needed to be addressed.

This involved checking every aspect of the website, from the code structure to the content quality, to ensure that it was optimized for search engines and user experience.

Our audit identified a range of issues, such as broken links, slow page load times, low-quality content, and poor site architecture. We then prioritized these issues and developed a roadmap for addressing them, with a focus on maximizing impact while minimizing disruption to the website’s existing traffic and revenue streams.

Overall, our approach was designed to be thorough, data-driven, and highly customized to our client’s specific needs. We believe that this approach has helped us deliver exceptional results and to drive long-term value for our clients.

Solutions Implemented:

1. Technical SEO Fix:

We addressed URL response code errors and broken links. By doing so, we ensured the website was functioning smoothly, which is critical for user experience and search engine rankings.

Additionally, we optimized the images on the website to reduce loading times, which further improved user experience and search engine ranking.

2. On-page SEO Fix:

We conducted extensive keyword research and strategically implemented targeted keywords throughout the website content, titles, and meta descriptions. 

We also established a sitemap following proper protocols, facilitating search engine indexing and crawling.

3. Architectural SEO Fix:

We created a well-structured internal linking strategy to optimize link flow and user navigation. We also optimized server response time and eliminated render-blocking resources, which improved visual stability.

4. Off-page SEO Fix:

We worked on increasing backlinks through guest posting on high-authority websites, which boosted brand awareness and website authority.

We also built a social media presence and leveraged it for further website promotion and link acquisition.

5. Continuous Monitoring:

We didn’t simply implement these strategies and walk away. 

We constantly monitored website performance, analyzing conversion rates, user engagement, and website traffic. This data-driven approach enabled us to adapt and refine our strategies for optimal results.


We achieved fantastic results through our efforts:

  1. Organic traffic soared, bringing a wave of new potential customers to the website. We generated 133,000 clicks and over 5.9 million impressions within 6 months.
  2. Click-through rates jumped significantly. We achieved a 2.2% average CTR, indicating increased user engagement and interest in the website’s content.
  3. Backlink profiles expanded, boosting website authority and organic ranking potential.
  4. The website climbed higher in search engine results pages, increasing brand visibility and organic reach.


We were able to bring about a remarkable improvement in our client’s online presence by adopting a systematic, data-driven approach that focused on all the essential pillars of SEO. Our efforts brought significant results and the client’s online visibility and brand recognition were transformed for the better.